The cornerstone of the District’s water conservation program relies on customer education efforts through community outreach programs. Making water conservation a way of life in California is the new normal.
The District uses targeted seasonal conservation messaging and materials to educate and assist customers in reducing water use.
The District keeps conservation program costs to a minimum in order to keep overall District water rates among the lowest in the region. Below you will find helpful hints on how to monitor your water use and save money while saving our precious water resources.
Water Meters as a Tool – Reading Meters
Water meters can be an effective tool for understanding and monitoring your water use and detecting leaks.
You can track your water use by reading the meter from time to time and calculating how much water was used during the period. You can read the water meter before and after irrigation and measure exactly what is being used and where.
Tracking Water Use With Water Meters
Resources For Leak Detection
Water leak detection is one of the easiest ways to reduce water waste. Did you know the average home can leak 25 to 30 gallons of water a day? Slow drips of water can add up quickly. Even small leaks can add up to thousands of gallons of water waste annually. Identifying and repairing water leaks is a great way to reduce the amount of water that is wasted in your home. And remember, repairing water leaks can save you money.
Fixing leaks can have a big impact
A small leak can waste up to 10,000 gallons of water per year. That’s equal to 270 full loads of laundry!
— Save Our Water (@saveourwater) September 15, 2017
American Leak Detection of San Luis Obispo, (805) 473-3644
Water Savers Sprinkler Service, (805) 345-9413
Arrow Plumbing, (805) 346-1791
Water Fixers Plumbing & Filtration, (805) 928-6444
The District does not recommend nor endorse any of the listed companies, but provides the information so customers can do more research on leak detection at their home.
Tips on How to Conserve Water
Daily tips from ‘Save Our Water’
View information on Nipomo’s water shortage issue:
San Luis Obispo County specific Water Wise Landscaping website :
The High-Efficiency Clothes Washers Rebate Program is back! Receive a $75 rebate on your new High-Efficiency Clothes Washer.
As a NCSD customer, you may be eligible for a $75 rebate on a new high-efficiency clothes washer!
Old clothes washers use about 20% of indoor water use—up to 60 gallons per load of wash! The new high-efficiency washers use up to 50% less water and energy, and 2/3 less detergent. Most are large enough to wash bulky items like quilts, pillows and sleeping bags. In addition, they are gentle on clothing because clothes are tumbled and not agitated.
If you have any questions, stop by the office at 148 S. Wilson in Nipomo, call NCSD at 929-1133 or email us at
Some restrictions apply. Download the following application form.
NCSD Washer Rebate Application Form
Title 8 – Plumbing Retrofits on Existing Homes for Sale
For additional information, please go to the Planning and Building website or call (805) 781-5600.
Title 8 – Plumbing Retrofits on Existing Homes for Sale
Water Conservation Basics
- Conserving our Precious Water Resource
- 100 Ways to Conserve Water
- Conservation: California Water Service
- National Geographic Water Conservation Facts & Tips
- Save Water 49 Ways Indoors!
- Home Water Works Water Conservation and Saving Tips
- Irrigation – Water Conservation Tips
- Home & Landscape – Water Saving Tips
- Benefits of Recycling – Water Conservation Methods
- Water Conservation School – Fifty Ways to Save Water
- Water Conservation Throughout the Home
Landscaping Resources
- Why Use California Native Plants?
- Nipomo Native Gardens, Plant Lists
- Drought-tolerant Plants, California
- Theodore Payne Foundation – Native Gardening
- Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden – California Native Plants in Your Garden
- Helping Trees Survive a Drought
Landscape Issues
- Tired of Paying a High Price for Your Landscape?
- Timing is Everything! You and Your Irrigation Controller
- Choosing a Landscape Maintenance Service
- Find a Certified Irrigation Auditor in Your Area